- She refused to be lorded over. 她拒绝从命。
- She refused to be dispirited by her long illness. 她并未因长期患病而萎靡不振。
- She refused to be dictated to by anyone. 她不愿受任何人摆布。
- She refused to be intimidated by their threats. 她没有被他们的威胁吓倒。
- She refused to be photographed nude. 她拒拍裸体照片。
- She refused to be reconciled with her brother. 她拒不同她的弟弟和解。
- She refused to be parted from her beloved cat. 她拒绝和她心爱的猫分开。
- She refuses to be photographed in the nude. 她拒绝拍裸体照片。
- She refused to be seen dead wearing a shirt that short. 她拒绝穿那么短的裙子。
- He bought his angry wife a gift,but she refused to be mollified. 他买了一件礼物给生气的妻子,但她不肯就此息怒。
- He bought his angry wife some flowers, but she refused to be mollified. 他买了一些花送给生气的妻子,但未能平息她的怒气。
- She refused to skivvy for the whole family. 她不肯给全家当仆人。
- She refused to bargain over the price. 她不愿讨价还价。
- She refused to marry that con artist. 她不肯嫁给那个骗子。
- However, she refused to be a freeloader ,and tried her best to find a job to make a living. 但是,她却不甘心做一个坐享其成的人,下了很大工夫去找工作来养活自己。
- He refused to be pinned down on the question. 他拒绝对这个问题明确表态。
- She refused to answer in contempt of the rules of court. 她藐视法庭的规定,拒绝回答问题。
- She refused to conform to the normal social conventions. 她拒绝遵从正常的社会习俗。
- I asked her what she thought, but she refused to commit herself. 我问她她是怎么想的,但她拒不表示意见。
- He refused to be awed by the threatening letters. 他不为那些恐吓信所吓倒。